Port Village of Naru (Starting town)
Menu Screen (Animated Mog script)
Start of the main quest.
Recruiting Oran (Master Builder. Goto guy for expanding your base)
Meeting Lydia (1st time)
Meeting Lydia 2nd time (says something different if you didnt meet her on your own.
Recruiting Lydia
Hey its the 2 guys from the pub! Looks like they are in trouble.
Battle system. A Mesh of Mogs Battle Hud and Jets viewed battle system. (turn based for the moment)
Kind of Feels like Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.
Recruiting Gus and Claud.
Characters Move forward when performing actions.
Modern Algebra's Quest System (Tweaked a little)
World Map. Character is smaller, Can only move on the roads and only to areas you have
Visiting Base for the first time before construction.
Can't see it in the pic but the Floor is animated as well as the enemies.
Character Portrait when selecting action. Animated.
Animation on Death.
Item Popups on receive.
Much more to come. This is just a start. I also plan to have a Dynamic Building system that uses gathered materials over time from Mines, forests, etc that you have liberated. Character recruitment (similar to Suikoden) , Item Crafting, Item Quality by color, Quest system, and much much more.